Tuesday, September 13, 2011

{out the door & a quick hello}


. . . hello! it's lovely to see you again, and after an early morning show, followed by a mad dash across town to another in the afternoon, and lunch with laily at pastis, finally, a few [very brief] moments of repose to stop by and say hello, before the champagne pours at tonight's soirées . . . and apologies for the absence -- have been having a bit of time keeping up with the days, and so, posting may, regrettably, be a little off-schedule this week . . .

hope you're having a beautiful week so far & à bientôt, roséline xo

{p.s.} if you follow along on twitter, a few glimpses here & there

[image : photography by alix from tbe cherry blossom girl, via tumblr; dress, vintage]

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