Thursday, September 8, 2011

{work of art: briar wood bracelets lined in silver}


. . . and while on the topic of perfect juxtapositions, these briar root bracelets lined in silver, by chicago-based metalsmith, gillion carrara, combine natural and industrial elements, and are so stunning, they are works of art . . .


a l i t t l e m o r e a b o u t t h e d e s i g n e r

carrara's work explores the relationship between materials, design and function, often appropriating materials that evoke specific responses based on cultural and psychological associations: bone, horn, shell, antler, and various woods and briar root, combined with precious metals: silver, bronze and gold; materials are selected from as far away as tuscany, africa, south america and india, as well as the western and midwestern united states

{image: gillion carrara via n'east style}

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