Wednesday, March 14, 2012

{take me away № 23 | dublin, ireland}

take-me-away-hed (2)

As you glide along in the sky, gazing out the window, just before landing, there is a pivotal moment of being lost, lost in the spell of Ireland; the spell of the patchwork of
lush and picturesque land—a land that measures from warm, golden yellow hues to indescribably rich shades of jade, malachite, and emerald.


But beyond the land, the wondrous Irish landscape is surrounded by almost architectural, asperous cliffs, offset by soft beaches, kissed by sparkling waters.


The third-largest island in Europe, Ireland is divided between the Republic of Ireland, and Northern Ireland, a part of the United Kingdom. The lush vegetation of this 'Emerald Isle', as it is poetically known, is attributed to the mild but changeable oceanic climate; the land is made up of low-lying mountains surrounding a central plain and several rivers running inland . . .


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