Thursday, October 20, 2011

{favourite five: fashion designer tory burch}

above: tory burch's manhattan home, designed by architect & interior designer daniel romualdez, who also decorated the new flagship store

e d i t o r ' s n o t e : h e l l o f r o m r o s é l i n e

. . . as you know, a few weeks ago in the early morning light of late summer, stopped in for coffee & mimosas at the opening of tory burch's new flagship boutique on 797 madison avenue in new york, for a glimpse of the beautiful interiors spanning across five floors of a 19th century townhouse . . .


. . . and while browsing
the new collection and in between a glass of champagne for me, and a freshly brewed coffee from a gilded service for laily, had the chance to catch up with tory and ask her a few questions . . .

from the fall 2011 collection


. . . and so, without further ado, this week's favourite five . . .

à bientôt & hope you're having a wonderful week so far, roséline xo


[click after the jump to read laily's interview with tory burch]

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