Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bristol Palin Makes Lame Excuses For Surgery

       Bristol Palin admits to getting plastic surgery, but claims that the reason for the surgery was medical... I smell bullsh*t.   She implies that the recent surgery is in some way related to a corrective jaw surgery she'd had back in December 2010.
      "Yes," she admits, "It improved the way I look, but this surgery was necessary for medical my jaw and teeth could properly realign...I don't obsess over my face"
Still, "I am absolutely thrilled with the results," she says. "I look older, more mature, and don't have as much of a chubby little baby face!"
       I suppose the lip injections also served some necessary medical purpose too?  I am so sick of hearing people make excuses and lie about their motives for cosmetic surgery.   This only serves to make you seem even more self conscious and preoccupied with others' opinions of you.  Shed the stigma, and just admit that you wanted to alter something about your appearance in order to look better.   I find it hard to believe that Bristol's medical ailments were so neglected up until after her appearance on Dancing With The Stars.  

    It should be obvious that Bristol's new face was intentional, and not some kind of awesome side effect of a medically necessary operation.   

Us Weekly

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